Business Consulting

Invest your working capital or reserve cash with us!

Start Smart

What is Business Consulting?

In business consultancy,we work with companies of various sizes and scale and we work on their excess cash. Every business has cash that is not being re-invested in the business for the time being. Usually, A company keeps it's cash either in current accounts (no yield) or fixed deposits (low yield). To earn something on the idle cash they only utilize one option, fixed deposits. As the fixed deposit returns are sliding down we offer our solutions to address the situation.

With Start Smart you get to restructure your cash so that you can make the most out of your reserves. We invest your money in safe assets, like bond offerings by other institutions, commodities and other risk management options, along with a light touch of equity. You keep the security of your cash along with a higher yield than majority of assets. We also help your company to minimize your tax liability by converting your taxes into investments. We offer you a helping hand on your journey to grow your business with ease by arranging cheaper liquidity, finding venture capitalists, asset restructuring etc.

You can take a look at our Business Benefit Portfolio to get an idea of how these services work. click here to see how we help you

Start Smart

How Start Smart does it?

At Start Smart, we focus on all the variables while keeping in mind the possibility of any short term needs arising. Hence, we keep a reserve cash quota at all times. Our advisors stick to the investment criteria by following our price-place-precision model. We also focus on reducing your tax liability by planning for it in advance. With that, all the elements of your financial plan work in a unilateral direction. We also hold quarterly reviews with you to track the progress, re-checking the cash quotas required to assure the desired returns on your investments.

Start Smart creates risk management strategies enabling you to churn the maximum output out of anything. During your business' life cycle there are going to be many instances where you would be in a desperate need of capital (short term/long term). At Start Smart, we make it easier for you to raise money via public or private bond offerings. We also find suitable Venture Capitalists for tech-driven startup companies. To know more book a consultation call with our advisors.Book Now

Start Smart

Special Benefits for our clients?

Unique Quarterly Reviews

Start Smart offers its unique quarterly reviews. Start Smart connects with clients once in every quarter to discuss the progress and challenges faced by their investments.

Diversified Portfolios

The entire focus while investing for a business is to keep the capital safe and secure. Our advisors maintain a portfolio dominated by fixed income instruments with a dash of equities (to give it a boost).

Customized Investment Strategy

Our Investment advisors take into account every long-term and short-term goal that your business has and customize investment strategies accordingly, and thus, optimize your investment returns.

Optimized Taxes

Our Chartered Accountants create customized tax plans to decrease your tax liability, and thus, we turn your taxes into investments. This creates equilibrium in your portfolio by growing your wealth along with reducing your tax burden.

Start Smart

Some frequently asked questions

To start the business consultancy services offered by SSIS, an investor has to fill this Form. We ask basic details about your business, corporate structure, working capital requirements, etc. After that we assign a project manager to you who understands your requirements and designs your strategy. Post that, we keep quarterly evaluations to study the progress and make minor adjustments that could yield better results.

We offer a wide range of services for businesses:
  • 1. Start-Ups & Young Businesses - Fundraisers, Angel Network, Valuation Certificates, and,Pitch-Deck Creation
  • 2. MSMEs/SMEs - Corporate Restructuring, Working Capital Management, and, Growth Funding

Not every startup needs a valuation certificate and a pitch-deck. If your startup is merely an idea and you need to raise money to get your idea on wheels then you definitely need a pitch-deck. If your business needs to raise money from the VCs and Angel Investors, then having a valuation certificate gives you an edge. A pitch-deck takes your idea and shows the investors your path to profitability and the valuation certificate gives them an idea of the returns they could expect by investing in your idea

The working capital management model we follow works best for consulting businesses, factories and trading businesses. Due to a low availability of options, businesses tend to keep their excess capital in their current accounts and low yielding term deposits offered by banks. By keeping a part of your excess capital in our highly liquid business benefit portfolio, a cash-rich business can increase their profitability, without facing common investing issues like low liquidity, high operational costs and over-diversification.
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